We’re passing on growth

Growth helps you develop. At ErfGoed, we’re as aware of that as anyone. And that’s something we’d like to pass on. With that in mind, ErfGoed is making a contribution to the Young Entrepreneur Program in Ethiopia. This is a project in which talented young people learn entrepreneurial and business management skills. A two-year program that couples theoretical knowledge and practice. Trainers from the Dutch business community share what they consider best practice with ambitious Ethiopians who are keen to develop. We are 100% behind this sustainable form of development co-operation.

So ErfGoed is lending its collaboration to this unique programme to make an active contribution to the flourishing and growth of people all over the world.

Because we know a thing or two about growing. The growth of crops and profits, for instance. And the growth and development of our employees. We do everything in our power to give our workers the chance to develop themselves. Each one where he or she should be. That’s what we invest in. Education, training and coaching are high on ErfGoed’s agenda. And why is that so important to us? Because learning, innovation and development are in our genes. That is the ErfGoed DNA. It is the driving force behind our company, and we have no problem sharing that with the Young Entrepreneur Program!