Growers all over the world enjoy working on their ErfGoedFloor every day. They would like to share their experiences with you. Read here what their experiences are with the ErfGoedFloor.
Plants need more than just light and nutrients to grow—they also require clean and healthy water. However, water can contain bacteria, fungi [...]
+ Read moreSince the fall of 2024, a unique practical trial with ErfGoed’s AirFlow system has been underway in the Broeikas of Division Q / Koppert Cre [...]
+ Read moreThe health of plants starts with clean water. In greenhouse horticulture, reusing drain water is a sustainable practice that not only reduce [...]
+ Read moreBiosensors can help strengthen plants by detecting early signs of stress, stagnating growth, or looming threats from diseases and fungi. Whi [...]
+ Read moreWater management plays a crucial role in ornamental horticulture and is a key factor in sustainability goals and cost control. In both Europ [...]
+ Read morePlant resilience is a hot topic. This is not without reason: the availability of crop protection products is declining, while buyers and con [...]
+ Read moreThe transition to peat-free cultivation is a significant topic in the horticultural sector. However, this shift brings new challenges, parti [...]
+ Read moreGreenhouse horticulture stands on the brink of a technological revolution. While growers work daily to ensure the health of their crops, new [...]
+ Read moreCreating optimal conditions for crops is a challenge every grower faces. However, plants possess a strong natural ability to maintain their [...]
+ Read moreAs you walk through the greenhouse, surrounded by the soft hum of fans, a bright orange drone whizzes above the green sea of plants. This ti [...]
+ Read moreA healthy plant is crucial for successful cultivation, and one of the most influential factors in this success is the microclimate. This spe [...]
+ Read moreErfGoed, a leading specialist in cultivation floors and water management, has partnered with Albers Alligator to deliver the largest water b [...]
+ Read moreWhen cultivating plants, factors such as light, water, and nutrients are often considered, but the impact of the substrate is frequently und [...]
+ Read moreErfGoed has recently made some changes within its team. Machiel Paans, who has been responsible for sales for many years with great enthusia [...]
+ Read morePlant health is affected by various external factors, which can either strengthen or weaken a plant's vitality. While growers have control o [...]
+ Read moreMany tree and potted plant growers are incorporating forklifts into their internal transportation systems. According to Prins Maasdijk, this [...]
+ Read moreDue to rising labor costs, an increasing number of North American growers are exploring automation options. Consequently, WPS has identified [...]
+ Read moreLabor is becoming increasingly scarce worldwide. Consequently, more growers are opting for automation, investing in either fixed or mobile c [...]
+ Read moreWater is becoming scarcer. Not only during dry periods but also in general. Due to factors such as population growth, higher living standard [...]
+ Read moreErfGoed is happy to announce that Steve Evans has started as an agent for ErfGoed Floors in the UK. Steve has his own business, SNRG Structu [...]
+ Read moreWater determines the success of greenhouse and nursery crops: without water, plants won't grow, and without plants, there is no business. Ma [...]
+ Read moreDo you work with Danish trolleys (CC trolleys) to 'pick' plants from your ErfGoedFloor? ErfGoed offers various logistics solutions to make t [...]
+ Read moreAs a shrub or perennial grower, you can't control the outdoor climate. However, you can influence the microclimate around your plants, which [...]
+ Read moreThe choice of irrigation system can significantly impact your operations and product quality, so it's crucial to choose the right one. We'll [...]
+ Read moreSoil and plant fungus can pose significant challenges in cultivating potted nursery products. The pivotal question is how nursery operators [...]
+ Read moreThe labor scarcity is increasing, even in the nursery and perennial plant industry. Automating and/or properly organizing logistics and proc [...]
+ Read moreTo ensure a healthy future for your nursery and business, it's crucial to have clear direction. In other words, put a dot on the horizon tow [...]
+ Read moreGrowers in their nurseries use water from various sources. Rainwater is the most common, but in addition, they also use well water, tap wate [...]
+ Read moreThe innovative Airflow system by ErfGoed offers energy savings opportunities and can significantly lower crop temperatures. This benefits cr [...]
+ Read moreThe method of watering plays a crucial role in the quality of your crops. It affects logistics, labor, overall costs, and the constant high [...]
+ Read moreWhen maintaining a consistent product quality, picking the right irrigation system is key. You've got a few options, like ebb and flow syste [...]
+ Read moreChoosing the right irrigation system is crucial to deliver consistent and good product quality. There are numerous choices in this regard; e [...]
+ Read moreTo ensure the delivery of consistent and exceptional product quality, selecting the appropriate irrigation system becomes paramount. With a [...]
+ Read moreIn addition to sufficient irrigation water, it is also crucial that you have access to clean irrigation water at all times. ErfGoed is happy [...]
+ Read moreThe climate is changing, and dry periods are becoming more frequent, putting pressure on water availability for the agricultural sector. And [...]
+ Read moreClean, high-quality irrigation water is a must for good crop growth. To use water of high quality, it is often necessary to filter it. But w [...]
+ Read moreAs a grower, you want to be a reliable supplier for your customers and deliver the best quality product. Having access to high-quality irrig [...]
+ Read moreRunning a growing operation in the year 2023 is no mean feat. As an entrepreneur, you face more and more challenges. Here we look at some of [...]
+ Read moreAn ebb-and-flow floor heats and cools by means of hoses under the floor. With the injection of air, the air around the crop is heated or coo [...]
+ Read moreAre you searching for a new surface for your greenhouse or outdoor field? Then you're looking for information not only about the price but a [...]
+ Read moreChoosing a new cultivation floor or surface for your greenhouse or outdoor field is difficult; numerous options exist. For example, you can [...]
+ Read moreChoosing a new surface/floor for your greenhouse or outdoor field is not easy; numerous options exist. Our white paper "Ranking the greenhou [...]
+ Read moreDo you plan to build a new greenhouse or take over an existing operation? Or are you currently experiencing too much failure? Does it someti [...]
+ Read moreSuppose you are investing in a new cultivation floor or cultivation environment. In that case, you naturally want to maximize your investmen [...]
+ Read moreIf you are expanding, replacing, or renovating certain parts of your growing areas, investing in a new cultivation floor or system makes sen [...]
+ Read moreIf your plants are growing well, algae will also grow well. This is because algae - like plants - love water, light, nutrition, and temperat [...]
+ Read more'To measure is knowing, to guess is missing.' And that is precisely why we measure so much; we want to base our decisions on facts! Entrepre [...]
+ Read moreIn many parts of the world, there is a water shortage. In recent years, real water shortages are occurring more frequently and in more count [...]
+ Read moreRecently this video was published. It shows (on 14.24) how the drought border in North America is moving more and more to the West (and East [...]
+ Read moreWater is becoming an increasingly relevant issue for the horticultural sector. Therefore, it is important to be well prepared and know what [...]
+ Read moreRecently, I was at a foreign trade show. During my visit, the sky became increasingly threatening. Clearly, different weather was coming. Ju [...]
+ Read moreNot having enough water is disastrous for crop growth. Every grower knows that. But when do you have enough water? As an entrepreneur, you l [...]
+ Read moreErfGoed has published a new white paper on the theme of water. A topic that will be increasingly prominent on the agenda in the coming years [...]
+ Read moreWe believe the most natural way of growing plants is on the floor. It's important to create and control the microclimate around the pot and [...]
+ Read moreErfGoed is happy to announce that Cor Bremmer -former Commercial Director at Beekenkamp Plants Ornamentals- joins the company. Born in a gro [...]
+ Read morePhytophthora, Pythium, Chalara Elegans, Fusarium and Rhizoctonia have one thing in common: these fungi affect the plant's roots. In this cas [...]
+ Read moreAs a grower, you want to create the perfect conditions, for optimal plant growth. But the key is not to overdo it, the authors of the Plant [...]
+ Read morePlants are usually on a cultivation surface. This surface greatly influences the health and resilience of a crop, and thus also on the balan [...]
+ Read moreDisease prevention is a very important topic in horticulture. Of course: a completely disease-free culture does not exist, but you can striv [...]
+ Read moreWe see many opportunities for sustainable cultivation. For years, our developments have kept us ahead of legislation, and we can take plenty [...]
+ Read moreWater is an essential topic in horticulture. It is vital to have enough water in the dry seasons, but water is also needed on cold days. Wat [...]
+ Read moreWater is essential in horticulture. It is vital to have a supply of quality water in the dry seasons, but water is also needed in cold weath [...]
+ Read moreKirsten Leiss spoke about the impact of sustainable growing on plant health. What impact does a resilient plant have on the environment? Wha [...]
+ Read moreSummertime. Temperatures are rising, it’s nice, but it can also be too hot. In that case we look for ways to cool down. Then we can keep goi [...]
+ Read moreWe are excited to announce Jack Ford to the role of Sales Manager USA. Jack will work to strengthen the company’s presence of the unique Erf [...]
+ Read moreGrowing tomato plants on a cultivation floor! Arjan Kouwenhoven’s company Fonte Verde Agro is located in Adradas, not far from Sao Paulo in [...]
+ Read moreGuillaume Sallembien, the director of Arc’At Plants, is the first vegetable grower to install an ErfGoedFloor. ‘Watering comes from below. W [...]
+ Read moreErfGoed and Van Iperen have released a video in conclusion to the trial with chrysanthemums on a cultivation floor. Research leader Cock van [...]
+ Read moreFire prevention is an increasingly important theme in horticulture. Particularly now there have been a number of major incidents. Which is w [...]
+ Read moreCan chrysanthemums be grown in any other way than in the open ground? To answer this question, ErfGoed teamed up with Delphy, Van Iperen and [...]
+ Read moreThe second trial with the cultivation of chrysanthemums on a cultivation floor was concluded successfully during a meeting at the ErfGoed te [...]
+ Read moreDo you know the feeling? There’s water everywhere but you haven’t got the time to find out what is really going on. So you just bail out the [...]
+ Read moreThe ErfGoedFloor meant salvation for their outdoor plants for two French growers. During the extreme weather conditions of the past few mont [...]
+ Read moreThere was an article in the February 2017 issue of KAS about de Kreekrug, the new location of the SV.CO pot plant nursery in De Lier. In add [...]
+ Read moreHave you seen Google’s new initiative yet? It’s called Google Tulip and it was presented on 1 April. Obviously, the date is a warning sign h [...]
+ Read moreWe conducted tests with the display life of geraniums a few years ago. We wanted to find out whether it is true that plants from our cultiva [...]
+ Read moreOur company is well-known as a specialist in the development and installing cultivation floors. In order to be a specialist in that respect, [...]
+ Read moreNot so long ago we were battling damp at home. The windows always seemed to be completely misted. You could even see the water dripping from [...]
+ Read moreThis September it will be 30 years since I took my first steps in glasshouse horticulture. Back then I was just 17. I can remember it like i [...]
+ Read moreAs ErfGoed operates on the international market, it is increasingly obvious to me how different horticulture can be in other countries. Take [...]
+ Read moreAs I was having a chat in the car park last summer, I leaned on my wife’s car. Not a good idea: it’s unbelievable how hot a black car can ge [...]
+ Read moreWe have another new phenomenon in Europe: youth for climate. These young people have been skipping school to demonstrate for climate action. [...]
+ Read moreThere was an interesting article in the February issue of the Dutch trade magazine KAS about the new premises for SV.CO pot plant nursery in [...]
+ Read moreErfGoed was established sixty years ago, when we were still getting our feet dirty. And we’re still just as down to earth these days. So it [...]
+ Read moreSaving energy is an important issue these days. In the past, we thought our resources were endless. These days, we are much more aware of wh [...]
+ Read moreFor a long time, gas has been the leading fossil fuel in Dutch households. Every home had to be fitted out with a gas connection. We use gas [...]
+ Read moreAs I write this, the southern provinces of the Netherlands, together with parts of France and Germany, are once more fighting extreme weathe [...]
+ Read moreOur company name ‘ErfGoed’ is easy to pronounce for Dutch growers. Foreign growers often find it difficult. Particularly in the beginning. B [...]
+ Read moreI have already written about the impact of climate change. My focus then was mainly on extreme rainfall and severe problems with excess wate [...]
+ Read moreI read an article last week in a Dutch trade magazine that translates as The Tree Nursery. The headline – ‘Keeping employees fit until retir [...]
+ Read moreRabobank issued a new publication last month about developments in the ornamentals sector. The outlook is very bright indeed, provided the s [...]
+ Read moreThere’s a movie on YouTube with a rabbi talking about how lobsters grow. I think we can learn a lot from this. Especially at the moment. A l [...]
+ Read moreThe third Tuesday of September is the State Opening of Parliament (Prinsjesdag) in the Netherlands. This is traditionally the day when the K [...]
+ Read moreIn the Boomkwekerij [Tree Growing] trade journal of 8 July this year (no.14) were a few articles worth reading on the use of so-called plant [...]
+ Read moreThat’s the question that often crops up when I talk to growers who specialise in growing vegetable plants. Usually followed by: ‘That’s what [...]
+ Read moreA few weeks from now, we will be starting work at Ter Laak Orchids in Wateringen. That’s no big news in itself, of course, but this will be [...]
+ Read moreContinuity is vital for every company. Horticulture is no exception to this rule. Just imagine that, due to circumstances beyond your contro [...]
+ Read moreIt is clear to everyone that the world is changing rapidly. The agricultural sector is also being transformed. To take just one example, the [...]
+ Read more