
Trolley PathWay and Trolley tracks: When should you choose which logistics solution?

Written by ErfGoed | May 23, 2024 9:35:58 AM

Do you work with Danish trolleys (CC trolleys) to 'pick' plants from your ErfGoedFloor? ErfGoed offers various logistics solutions to make the harvest fast, easy, and efficient. The new and innovative Trolley PathWay is the right solution for crops that you need to harvest frequently and in large quantities in a short time. If you need to be on the floor less frequently, then Trolley tracks - which are also less expensive to purchase - are the most suitable.

Do you not have an ErfGoedFloor. Then could this be an interesting page. 


Trolley PathWay and Trolley tracks: the definitions

Trolley PathWay

The Trolley PathWay consists of flat plates measuring 1.40 meters wide, 1 meter long, and 3 millimeters thick, placed in the stone layer under the ground cover. The Danish trolleys can easily be driven over the created path without damaging the floor. A flat floor and good drainage are guaranteed when choosing this logistics solution. Two lines are applied to the floor to ensure you know where the plates are under the ground cover and where you can drive.

Trolley tracks

A track consisting of two rails is placed on the ErfGoed floor, allowing you to drive the Danish trolleys over them.

Advantages and disadvantages of these solutions

 Trolley PathWay

  • The Trolley PathWay is 1.40 meters wide. It can easily accommodate two Danish trolleys side by side and/or allow them to pass each other. This makes it easy to fill and drive away the trolleys. More employees can harvest simultaneously, and larger quantities of plants can be 'processed' in a short time. 
  • Because the plates are under the floor, you can place plants anywhere without losing space. 
  • This logistics solution is slightly more expensive than the Trolley tracks, but because no floor space is lost, these additional costs are immediately recouped.

Trolley tracks

  • Plants cannot stand in the place of the rails (2 x 10 cm), resulting in space loss. However, you can place plants between the rails.
  • Only one trolley can pass over the rails at a time, with no space to put trolleys side by side or allow them to pass. It is also challenging to fill trolleys simultaneously.
  • It works best if you have a path on both sides. Empty trolleys can be brought in from one side, and full trolleys can be removed from the other end. The plants between the rails must be removed first.
  • Trolley tracks are less expensive than the Trolley PathWay.

When do you choose which system?

If you have one path, many cultivation rounds, and can harvest all at once, then it's best to choose the Trolley PathWay. This patented innovation from ErfGoed offers you plenty of flexibility and opportunities to save labor.

If you have a path on both sides of the bed, fewer cultivation rounds, and can harvest all at once, then it's advisable to choose Trolley tracks. This provides you with a sound logistics solution and is relatively cost-effective.

The advantage of both the Trolley PathWay and Trolley tracks is that these logistics solutions are usually more affordable than, for example, a forklift or conveyor belts. They also allow the plants to be prepped for delivery in the greenhouse and placed on the shipping cart.

Also important: both systems have the advantage that other equipment can also be driven over the ErfGoedFloor, in addition to Danish trolleys. Think, for example, of a spray boom and a spraying cart.