Be prepared for the future! Invest in good-quality irrigation water!

Be prepared for the future! Invest in good-quality irrigation water!

Be prepared for the future! Invest in good-quality irrigation water!

Jun 13, 2024 10:15:00 AM

Water is becoming scarcer. Not only during dry periods but also in general. Due to factors such as population growth, higher living standards, and climate change, water scarcity will continue to increase in the future.

Furthermore, water quality is also a major challenge. Many growers are unaware that, for example, groundwater can also have poor quality. The challenge is to have a sufficient supply of good-quality water for the future.

ErfGoed helps you to prepare for this, so that you can be assured of good and sufficient irrigation water in the future as well. We are happy to provide insight into the solutions we can offer to make your business future-proof and waterproof in this way.

1. Provide insight into water flows
Flowchart water

In order to focus on water availability and optimal water quality, it is essential to have a good understanding of the water flows and the water systems of your nursery. We help you visualize the various flows - water collection, use, and discharge - to give you a good overview. And because ErfGoed operates worldwide, we are well informed about the regulations and developments in many countries.

As a result, we know the trends and can reasonably estimate what you can expect in the future, for example, in terms of legislation and regulations. In addition, we provide insight to prepare you for drought periods. This is crucial information when choosing the proper collection and storage systems. We compile all this information into a water management plan, with which you map out the route to a future with sufficient and high-quality irrigation water!

2. Offer concrete solutions

In order to maintain adequate irrigation water, it is crucial to make the best use of rainwater. To this end, ErfGoed offers various systems for collection and storage and keeps discharge to a minimum. At the same time, we help prevent your plants from standing in water; after all, we are also specialists in water drainage. In addition, we offer solutions for improving water quality.

Our solutions/systems in a nutshell:

2.1. ErfGoed Masterplan

Being well-prepared requires a long-term vision. With the Masterplan, we work together with the grower to look at future plans. Based on that, we create a plan for the nursery, taking into account the required amount of water and future developments, such as water availability under pressure.

More about the master plan can be found here.

2.2. Water Collection and Storage

This involves basins and silos, among other things. We make a distinction here between clean water and water with varying levels of nutrients and/or saline content. This way, you can always supply your plants with the right quality of water and optimally reuse the available water. Sometimes, we also cover it with foil to prevent evaporation.

Additionally, the ErfGoed Floor also has capacity for water collection, allowing you to buffer heavy rain partially in the floor.

2.3. Water Pumping

To efficiently pump water through the nursery and reuse it, we provide the right pump units, submersible pumps, etc. In the master plan, we also consider the required capacity for now and in the future.

2.4. Water Quality

ErfGoed offers various solutions for water disinfection. Proper disinfection is essential to maintain water quality and optimize reuse. Additionally, separating water streams, as described above, ensures that the crop receives water of the right quality at every growth stage.

2.5. Water Drainage

We provide various systems and solutions to properly drain excess water. This includes drainage hoses and pumps.

It's good to know that there are various subsidies available for the solutions and systems that ErfGoed offers. We can help you get started and initiate a subsidy application.

Working together for a future-proof water supply

ErfGoed helps generate insight and draw up a plan of action to safeguard water availability and quality for the future. In this way, you create additional stability for your business. Not to mention: our solutions also help you use the available water economically, minimizing discharges. And that, in turn, contributes to a lower environmental impact, which enables you to gain social support, and gives you a 'license to produce.' So, multiple benefits! Plan a meeting below for more information or download the leaflet.

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